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My Master : Sri P Rajagopalachari ( "Chariji" )

My Master is Sri.Chariji. He is my spiritual guide and Guru .
I have also been greatly inspired by the teachings of Osho and Dalai Lama

To learn more about them, click on the following links.
My Master, My Method, My Mission
HH Dalai Lama

Why Master ?

Essentially, we do things in this world with the help of others. Teachers teach you. Doctors treat you. Engineers design and build for you. Pilots take you to places through the vast expanse of the skies. Even to cut our hair, we have to seek the help of a good barber. So we need the help and guidence from the experts in every field of human endeavours. When it comes to spiritually, most people think that they are self sufficient. This is utterly unfortunate.

Spirituality is the single most important aspect of human existence. We do need the help and guidance of an able Master, who has gone to the depths of spirituality himself. Not all can be Masters. Nay, not all are Masters.

My Master

"I am a Lamp to thee who beholdest Me,
I am a Mirror to thee who perceivest Me,
I am a Door to thee who knockest at Me,
I am a Way to thee a wayfarere"
(Hymn of Jesus, from The Apocalyptic Acts of John)

Purpose of Life

To me , the purpose of life is self perfection or self refinement. This is to be achieved before our death through correct thoughts and correct words, correct actions and correct living. My Master has taught me the way to practice Meditation transcending the religion and submit totatally in love to the divine forces of Nature - what ever you may call it.
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